How Do Vets Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats: A Step By Step Guide

How Do Vets Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats: A Step By Step Guide

 Is your cat suffering from a flea outbreak? Do you want to know how do vets get rid of fleas on cats so you can replicate the same process at home? 

Well, today is the lucky day of both you and your kitty because we are going to talk about some of the best flea medicine for cats, the process to thoroughly treat your cat and your house, so there are no more fleas and also the tactic for flea prevention for cats. So be sure to completely read this guide and help your cat live flea free:

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Cat Flea Infestation: Treating With Best Flea Medicine for Cats:

It is both frustrating and heartbreaking when your feline friend gets fleas. It is frustrating because you cannot cuddle her the way you like to do, and it’s heartbreaking because your best friend is suffering from constant itching.

Furthermore, the vets charge a ton of money for treating the kitty, the money that you could have used to buy her the toys she loves. And even if you try the homemade remedies, they hardly work for anybody! If they worked, the Pharmaceutical companies would’ve gone bankrupt.

So now the question is, what to do when nothing is working? How can you make your cat’s problem go away? Well, thanks to the advancement in medical science, we now have over to counter flea killer for cats available.

You can just purchase the medicines that we have shortlisted for you on Amazon Here! All of the medicines are tried and tested by tons of people, and they have seen great results.

We suggest that you first get the cat checked by the Vet, and if he says it’s the flea problem, then you can give these affordable meds a try, and hopefully, your cat will finally find ease.

Can Vet get rid of fleas?

Let’s just make a quick correction to this questions and change it to “how do vets get rid of fleas on cats?” You see, Vets will not apply creams or comb your cat. Just like when a doctor suggests some anti-lice shampoos when you have lice, the Vet will also suggest some treatments.

If you think your cat has a flea problem, just take her to the Vet. Once the vet diagnoses flea problem with your cat, you will be recommended some treatments. These can include topical medicines that we have already suggested at the start of the article.

Once you start using those medicines, you should see some positive changes in the anxiety and nervousness of your cat. You should visit the Vet again after treatment to get the cat rechecked by the Vet to be sure that the fleas have left her.

What flea treatment do vets use for cats?

There are different types of treatments ranging from shots to creams to shampoos and more. Based on the condition, the Vet will recommend the best flea medicine for cats.

We have also given a link to this page containing some of the best topical medications for cats; make sure to check them out as well.

Whatever you do, we suggest that you always get your cat first checked by the Vet to be sure that the cat actually has the a flea problem.

A Step by step Guide how do vets get rid of fleas on cats:

If you want to know how do vets get rid of fleas on cats, then you should also need to consider the fact that the Vet won’t use a single treatment for all cats. Based on the condition, the procedures may vary. However, a comprehensive treatment used for cats with fleas has following steps:

Step#1: The first step involves directly treating your pet. You can get flea killer for cats from Amazon, which can be in oral or in a topical form, which is also called Spot On. To ensure these treatments are effective, you should use them every four weeks to completely disrupt the lifecycle of fleas.

Step#2: If you have more than one pet, then make sure to treat the other pet as well just for safety because the fleas might have transferred from one pet to the other. So use the same best flea medicine for cats to treat the other cat.

Step#3: You also need to thoroughly vacuum your house to get rid of the hiding fleas. They usually take refuge in the dark areas of the home, so make sure to especially vacuum them as well. Also, vacuum any furniture and upholstery in the house where your pet spends their time.

Step#4: Make sure to wash the bedding of your pet(s) with water over 60 degrees centigrade temperature as high temperatures are more effective in killing the fleas. Once done, put the bedding in the dryer to ensure the insects are completely gone.

Step#5: Now, use a flea comb on your cat to take out the dead fleas from her hair. Start by combing the head and ears, then under the chin, then the back of your cat and also the back of neck and head, and lastly, comb the legs and tail.

Step#6: This step involves flea prevention for cats, and you can do that by spraying the whole house using an environmental spray containing Insect Growth Regulator. Do this after vacuuming especially at hard to reach areas like cervices and cracks, on floors and furniture. This will make sure that the larvae and eggs of the flea die on the spot and not grow into more fleas.

Step#7: Lastly, allow your spot on/topically treated pet to go into the flea-infested areas. Since you have already applied the best flea medicine for cats on your pet, this will protect her for three to four weeks. So when your pet goes into the infested area, any remaining fleas will die when they come into contact with your cat.

How does a spot-on flea treatment medication work?

Now that you know how do vets get rid of fleas on cats, you might have a question; how does spot-on flea killer for cats work? Well, when you apply the liquid on your cat, it is carried by her circulation system. So when a flea ingests your cat’s blood, it gets a certain death because of the pesticide in the liquid you applied.

Many of the spot-on medicines also act as flea prevention for cats as they contain Growth Regulators that we talked about in the 6th step above. These regulators prevent the eggs and larva of fleas from growing into full adults.

What is the fastest way to get rid of fleas on a cat?

Even if you use the best flea treatment for cats, you cannot say that it is going to be the fastest. That’s because the speed of action is one thing, and the effectiveness is other. So we cannot just tell you which medicine is the fastest flea killer for cats.

However, spot-on and other topical medicines do act faster than oral medication. We have already provided the link to some of the best flea medicine for cats at the start of this article; you should check them out.

How much does it cost to de-flea a cat at the Vet?

There is no specific answer to this question as we don’t know how do vets get rid of fleas on cats because every situation is different. However, they use the same medicines that are available on Amazon so that you will be paying for that plus the fee of the Vet. It can range from $20 to $30 for one session, so if based on the number of sessions you need to get, the cost will multiply.

We suggest that you get your cat checked by the Vet if you are unable to find the fleas on your cat. And if the Vet tells you that the cat has a flea problem, then you get the best flea medicine for cats that we have already suggested at the start of this article. These medicines have the instructions that you need to follow to treat your feline friend properly.

How to clean the flea dirt on cats fast?

Before you get rid of the flea dirt, you need to first completely get rid of the fleas. Get the best flea treatment for cats that you can find, make sure to clean your house and basically do everything we have suggested above. And once it’s done, there will be lots of dead fleas and their dirt in your cat’s hairs.

The flea dirt comprises of the flea poop. They are black or dark brown specks that are similar to pepper flakes in appearance.

So use the flea comb, and thoroughly comb the head and ears, then under the chin, then the back of your cat and also the back of neck and head, and lastly, comb the legs and tail, and you should get rid of the flea dirt in cats.

Why is my cat nervous and irritable after flea treatment?

It is natural for your cat to be nervous and irritable after her flea treatment. The reason for this is because you have just applied the liquid cream on her back, neck, and many parts, and it's not entirely liquid, its gooey kind of liquid which cats don’t like. Furthermore, fleas in her hair will start to move because of the effect of cream and this crawling will also irritate her.

Secondly, when you hold down the cat and apply the cream on her, she might become nervous of being near you because she might think you will do that to her again. So that is why your cat can also become tense.

But that will happen only for one or two hours, and the cat should return to normal after that. But if she doesn’t, then the cream might be causing a reaction, so you may need to take her to the Vet.

Are flea treatments harmful for geriatric cats?

When you notice the senior cat constantly scratching herself, you might wonder what is wrong with her. And then you come to know that she has fleas, well that’s not good, right? It is terrible but the problem is that you cannot just start treatment on geriatric cats without the consultation of the Vet. The immune system of senior cats is weak, which means the poison meant to kill fleas can also harm them.

No matter what, avoid Pyrethrins and Organophosphates at all costs for not just senior cats but all types of cats. They are not much effective as flea killer for cats, but they can harm the cat. So, in short, you need to do two things when treating senior cats, consult with Vet first so he can prescribe a safe treatment based on your cat’s age and secondly, avoid the two formulas mentioned above

How to treat the cats that hate water?

Water is one thing that most of the cats hate to be in. They like to clean themselves with their natural water supply; saliva. But we humans need to properly wash them with water and soap and shampoos and whatnot. Now since cats hate water, they will do everything they can to avoid anti-flea shampoos.

But the good thing is that there are a plethora of best treatment for cats available in the form of topical and oral medicines that you can get over the counter or from Amazon. We have already suggested some of the best flea killer for cats at the start of this article, so make sure to check them out as well.


Now you know how do vets get rid of fleas on cats and some of the best flea treatment for cats you can follow. So if your kitty is having the flea problem, make sure to get her checked by a vet first, and if the case is confirmed, you can use the medicines prescribed by the Vet or the ones we have suggested at the start of this guide; lots of love and prayers for your feline friend!

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